Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sun Flares

Just a little note....on Fox News they had a scientist on telling about the sun flares that are building. Supposedly they will damage the satelites...which obviously would be extremely damaging to our current world. They are guessing they will come sometime around 2012. I guess this happened in 1859, pre-technology. Anyway, just seems like a lot of "stuff" going on. I like to take note and file it away. NOT as an alarmist, but to be prepared.....


Kim Watson said...

Hmmm, funny that it'll be 2012. Have you seen those documentaries on the History Channel about calendars from several different ancient civilizations? There have many predictions by ancient peoples that the end of the world will take place on December 12, 2012. Can you hear the twilight zone music in your head, too?

Wisconsin Watsons said...

Yeah, Tommy has learned all about that so he keeps telling me to get our food storage ready by 2012. It's just something to mull over and keep in mind. It is definately different than the whole Y2K scare, don't you think?

Grandy said...

I saw that news about the solar storm for 2012, and I couldn't believe that no one else picked up on it, but I did not know about the storm in 1859! I went on line this morning to see what it was all about. Very ineresting. We need to get off the grid. But, how.....?
