Thursday, March 26, 2009

SSU (Week 1): Magna Carta

  • Magna Carta Overview
    Short, simple, and straightforward explanation of what the Magna Carta is exactly. (Kim Watson)
If you want to add or comment on this SSU topic, do it in comments. Ready.....go!


Grandy said...

Can we have these guys come forward to the future to run things? I would like to see some real Manly-men in charge instead o the girly guys we have now, with their bossy "I know best" ways.

Wisconsin Watsons said...

I think it is interesting the way they are protecting themselves from the King. They also take on a type of parent-role for the "lessers". Maybe we should have only voters who take tests to prove they know what they are voting about. It's kinda like the taxes we pay...who knows what is going on.

Kim Watson said...

#45 - I think we should reinstitue this one, requiring public officials to 'know the law of the realm' and be 'minded to keep it well'.
#50 - I wonder what these men did to be personally mentioned in such a document. I find myself wishing I could write a list of people and their kin who should be removed from office...
Overall, I think the main theme was the protection of personal property. There was a lot mentioned of land, possesions, reasonable fees, merchandise, etc. No wonder federal income tax is unconstitutional. The government can't take our possesions, but somehow gets around that by taking our money rather than sending someone to physically procure something that belongs to us - am I right?